Energy Weaving ‘Recenter’ Transcription

“I thought it would be most aligned to start this section with an updated version of the reflect channelings. While I’ve had plenty of similar conversations via the astrals with my spirit mentors, I realized that it had been a while since I directly channeled about Energy Weaving as a specific subject. This helped me to start putting into words all of the feelings and experiences I’ve had in a way that helped me to surrender to the specificity and release some of my natural biases around the subject in order to reintroduce it in its most neutral and expansive form. I’ll be channeling this through the Cosmic Archives and my Soul Records via my trusted Record Keepers who have also served as spirit mentors for years.”

Read through the transcription of the ‘reflect’ images found in this original post

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How can I best understand and share the definition and purpose of Energy Weaving based on my current capacity for experiencing and using the modality?

“The capacity for energy weaving has changed and so should the comprehension and expression - so should the sharing of its meaning. Energy Weaving acts as a term for encapsulating a paradigm and energy manipulation modality into a clinical and human-accessible term. Your favorite summarization of energy weaving as ‘the becoming’ could as easily be the encapsulating term. The way of connecting with the complexity of energetic expressions is like that of weaving yourself into the same makeup. It is a deeply empathetic integration and reconstruction of energy. The guiding of that energy and the nature of guiding is predicated on the seed and the whole - which is the paradigmatic expression of energy weaving.

To recognize, become, and transform the infinity of individualized forms of energy requires an intimate connection to the origin and the all. The origin from which the all is shattered from, and the all in which the shatterings are held. This is the basis for the primordial soul framework used for structuring comprehension. It requires separation in order to differentiate from your earth and present universe’s genesis framework. It is the paradigm and modality honored and upheld by the Architects, Surgeons, and Wielders of the macrocosm. It is a modality for reconstructing possibility and complexifying perception.”

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From what or where does the practice of Energy Weaving originate from on a Macro scale, and in my individual soul lineage?

“The practice of Energy Weaving as a devotional paradigm of perception and connection exists prior to the creation of this universe and many others; in many ways, it is the primordial state. It is infinitely complex and simple in its origin through that frame of viewing.

In this universe’s history, Energy Weaving originated through teachings from visitors in the blended realms that traverse universes, and was amended to work in tandem with this universes foundational Source and subsequent individualized frequential expressions. This happened first (in regards to your current quadrant) with the Galfurs, Bezzanine, the Ancients of the Pleiadian realms, and the Arcturians; it was also inherently activated and developed within the Architects, Surgeons and Wielders of this Universe at the time of soul incarnation. On the planet of Earth, it was once known and expressed in specialized fashion by those sometimes referred to as Lemurians, the gatekeepers, and the Dragon stewards.

For your own lineage Energy Weaving has been inherently woven into your trajectory from origin to present, it has only been forgotten when it benefitted the expansion of future knowing.”

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How has my integration of Energy Weaving evolved over the past few years and what does that say about the nature of my Energy Weaving as a healing modality?

“The process of Energy Weaving as you’ve developed it taps into the micro dimensional filaments and the macrocosmic structures through practiced and guided multi-locating and multi-diagnostic consciousness frameworks in order to identify, comprehend, and transform that which you set intentions to explore.

Since your first iteration of energy weaving activations you have developed more expansive and complex frameworks for perceiving possibility - both in individual soul incarnates and multi-soul macrocosmic interweavings. By specializing first in exploring the primordial soul framework through a macrocosmic lens you secured a foundation in expansion weaving. This was guided by your spirit mentors but directed by the forms of energy weaving your current incarnation found the most inspiring and joyful.

While you have been introduced and found basic mastery in the five most earth relevant expressions of energy weaving, you thrive most in expansion weaving and soul weaving. When setting intention to use your energy weaving for healing, versus primarily knowledge exploration, you open the propensity for a more expansive and complex experience. You can complete an entire ‘session’ without speaking or moving once, or be deeply vocal and tactile, it is entirely dependent on the precise energetic layers most aligned to be woven. Your weaving challenges and yet soothes as it reconnects a soul with the old and the new. As you continue to integrate and explore the current incarnated embodiment of energy weaving you will uncover new ways to expand the human and earth perception of what is possible.”

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What further guidance do you have for incorporating Energy Weaving into the relationship I have with my business?

“Seekers Evolving was a transitionary realm, whereas the Energy Weaver Academy holds a more complex foundation of self-sustaining energetic potential. It will evolve as your connection to Energy Weaving evolves, but is grounded in perspective exchange. Perspective as an evolving expression of embodied experience. Energy Weaving as the lens through which your perspective is shared is, of course, inherent to your business. The Academy will evolve to challenge perceptions, uphold safety for self-exploration, and to hold a broader and more complex sphere of perspective connection. Maintaining a core of authentic transparency will ensure an aligned expression of energy weaving in collective directed content. ”

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Is there anything else that would be beneficial for a contemplative client to know before exploring Energy Weaving?

“Energy Weaving by inherent nature is not Earth-centered, Universe-centered, nor individual-centered. It is a practice predicated, in part, on the innate interconnection of the individual within the many-layered all. It is not intended to be experienced in the same way as other energy healing modalities and should be engaged with as a mode of capacity expansion. Energy Weaving should be sought out when there is an intuitive drive to challenge your perceptions of what you are capable of and connected through. Seek out Kari or another Energy Weaver when you wish to think bigger or see deeper than what you thought was possible. Connect with your body, intuition, and internal drive to ensure your basis for exploring this form of energetic translation and transformation is for self-development or communal collective reconnection.”

Read the Reflect Transcripts Here

Or, Return to the Full Post, Here: Energy Weaving: A Comprehensive Reflection and Recentering


Energy Weaving ‘Reflect’ Transcription